<h2>Sheet Generator - General</h2>

re: re: re: Outstanding Tasks/Issues Smoothie 2008-10-03 13:04:57
The fine print for VTR Sheets:

Attributes 5/4/3•Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties)•Clan (+1 bonus Attribute; see p. 92)•Covenant•Blood Potency 1 (May be increased with Merit points)•Disciplines 3 (Two dots must be in-clan)•Merits 7•(Buying the fifth dot in Attributes, Skills or Merits costs two points)•Health is Stamina + Size•Willpower is Resolve + Composure•Size is 5 for adult human-sized Kindred•Defense is Lowest of Dexterity or Wits•Initiative Mod is Dexterity + Composure•Speed = Strength + Dexterity +5•Starting Humanity is 7•Starting Vitae is a d10 roll


Attribute_ New dots x 5

Skill _ New dots x 3

Skill Specialty _ 3

Clan or Bloodline Discipline _ New dots x 5

Other Discipline* _ New dots x 7

Theban Sorcery or Crúac Ritual_ Ritual level x2 Merit _ New dots x 2

Blood Potency _ New dots x 8

Humanity _ New dots x 3

Willpower _ 8 experience points

  • Includes Coils of the Dragon. See p. 149 for more
information on increasing Coils of the Dragon.

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