<h2>Sheet Generator - General</h2>

re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Middy 2008-07-09 18:21:44
<?php /**
  • @author Marten Koedam
  • @package VoodooCore?
  • @subpackage VoodooController?
  • @since 30-dec-2006
  • @license www.dalines.org/license
  • @copyright 2006, Dalines Software Library
  • /

define('CONF','/conf/'); define('VOODOO_CONF',CONF); define('ENGINE_CONF',CONF); define('CLASSES','/classes/'); define('IMAGES','images/'); define('TEMPLATES','/templates/'); define('THEMES','/themes/'); define('STYLE','style/'); define('SCRIPTS','scripts/');

define('COMMAND_UNAVAILABLE', 'This command is not available here.'); define('DATE_FORMAT','H:i:s CE\T d-m-Y'); define('ADMIN_ACCESSLEVEL',50);

define('SPELLBOOK','/spellbook/'); ?>

Apache version 2.2.8 (Unix)

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Subject Author Created Last Update
re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Marten * 2008-07-11 16:49:35 -
    re: re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Middy 2008-07-11 22:22:57 -
        re: re: re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Marten * 2008-07-13 21:30:06 -
            re: re: re: re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Middy 2008-07-14 20:04:35 -