<h2>Sheet Generator - General</h2>

re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Marten * 2008-07-11 16:49:35
Ok, that looks good.

Do you have access to your Apache configuration or is this hosted elsewhere?

If you have access, can you provide me with your virtual host directive for the site?

Also, if you are using the Voodoo/Sheetgenerator software in a subdirectory of your domain, you have to set PATH_TO_DOCROOT in the /conf/const.php file.

I can probably help you out better over an Instant Messenger, or through a Chat.

  • MSN: m_koedam@hotmail.com
  • AIM: barthak
  • Yahoo!: barthak@yahoo.com
  • Gchat: barthak@gmail.com
  • Beseen Chat: http://www.beseen-chat.com, look for Marten
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Subject Author Created Last Update
re: re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Middy 2008-07-11 22:22:57 -
    re: re: re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Marten * 2008-07-13 21:30:06 -
        re: re: re: re: re: re: Having a slight issue with the engine installation. Middy 2008-07-14 20:04:35 -