STORY: "It took me years to convince brother to take me in the city. I have no idea why he was so worried about it."
JACK, LhI: "Jack is good brother. He has always been. But since I moved to New York, I noticed that something is wrong with him. He changed in a way we didn't noticed from Illinois. It is like some weird part of him become unreachable. It must have something to do with what he is doing - and honestly, despite I work as his secretary, assistant and basically even office manager, I have no fucking idea what it is. He investigates something all the time, but whatever it is, it is not in company's records or accounts and I know, that he is risking his life for it."
SPEC: AnK: horses, Pol: law, Soc: high society
CON: high-class society
BCG: living in the country (crf, med, fire, ank), law studies (acd, pol, exp), Lighthouse Inv (inv, ste, sub) |