Succesfully Saved. The Sheet ID is: 28731

Name:Stavros Papandrea Nature:Celebrant (Slaughter) Generation:8th
Player:Eanwulf Demeanor:Barbarian Concept:Angry Greek Butcher
Chronicle:Shadowwk's Game Clan:Brujah Haven:Farm

Physical Social Mental
Strength Charisma Perception
Dexterity Manipulation Intelligence
Stamina Appearance Wits
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness AnimalKen Academics
Athletics Archery HearthWisdom
Brawl Commerce Investigation
Dodge Crafts Law
Empathy Etiquette Linguistics
Expression Melee Medicine
Intimidation Performance Occult
Leadership Ride Politics
Legerdemain Stealth Seneschal
Subterfuge Survival Theology
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Celerity Allies (Farmer) Conscience/Conviction
Potence Generation (8th)
Presence Mentor (Gangrel)
Retainers (Ghoul) SelfControl/Instinct
Other Traits/Flaws Road Health
Berserker (+2) Road of the Beast Bruised
Huge Size (+4) Hurt
Inoffensive to Animals (+1) Aura: Injured
Infamous Sire (-1) Willpower Wounded
Overconfident (-1) Mauled
Selective Digestion (-2) Crippled
Stubborn (-1) Incapacitated
Vengeance (-2) Blood Pool Experience
5 (All Spent)
Additional Information
1 Free Discipline Point Given by GM
5 Starting Exp spent on 1 dot in Presence
6 Freebie Points spent on Talents
6 Freebie Points spent on Skills
3 Freebie Points spent on Background